The Wonderful World of Hawks: Exploring Collective Noun for Hawks?

Welcome to an exciting adventure where we dive into the fascinating world of hawks and the special words we use to describe a group of them Hawks are incredible birds known for their sharp eyesight and swift flying. But have you ever wondered what to call a group of hawks when you see them soaring together in the sky Let us find out together.

Collective Noun for Hawks

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
HawksCastA group of hawksI saw a cast of hawks circling above the hill.
HawksKettleHawks flying together during migrationA kettle of hawks glided on the thermal updrafts.
HawksBoilHawks swirling in the airA boil of hawks rose higher and higher.
HawksStreamHawks flying in a lineWe watched a stream of hawks pass by.
HawksLeaseA group of hawksA lease of hawks rested on the cliff edge.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Hawks

1. Cast of Hawks

Explanation: Cast is used to describe a group of hawks when they are together, either perched or flying closely.


  • Seeing a cast of hawks take flight is a magnificent sight.
  • A cast of hawks perched on the tree was silently observing the ground.
  • In the morning, I spotted a cast of hawks in the meadow.

2. Kettle of Hawks

Explanation: A kettle refers to hawks flying together in a large group, especially during migration times when they use thermal updrafts to gain altitude.


  • During the migration season, we observed a kettle of hawks soaring gracefully.
  • A kettle of hawks circling above indicated the presence of warm air currents.
  • Birdwatchers love to see a kettle of hawks because it’s a sign of changing seasons.

3. Boil of Hawks

Explanation: Boil describes hawks swirling and rising in the air as they catch thermal currents.


  • The boil of hawks above the valley was a breathtaking view.
  • As the day warmed up, a boil of hawks appeared, utilizing the thermals.
  • Watching a boil of hawks can teach you a lot about how birds use the wind.

4. Stream of Hawks

Explanation: This phrase is used when hawks fly in a straight line, often during migration.


  • A stream of hawks flew over the coast, heading south for the winter.
  • We lined up early in the morning to watch the stream of hawks pass by.
  • The stream of hawks was so long, we couldn’t see the end.

5. Lease of Hawks

Explanation: Lease is another term for a group of hawks, typically used when they are seen together in a resting position.

  • Examples:
  • A lease of hawks on the cliff was preparing for the night.
  • Near dusk, we encountered a lease of hawks settling down.
  • The quiet lease of hawks was a rare sight to behold.


Hawks, with their majestic flight and keen eyesight, are truly remarkable creatures. The collective nouns we use for hawks, like cast, kettle, boil, stream, and lease, not only reflect their behavior and patterns but also enrich our language, making the observation of these birds even more special. Next time you see a group of hawks, you’ll know exactly how to refer to them!

Quiz Time!

  1. What do you call a group of hawks that is flying together, especially during migration?
    A) Cast
    B) Kettle
    C) Boil
    D) Lease
  2. Which term is used for hawks when they are swirling in the air?
    A) Stream
    B) Boil
    C) Lease
    D) Kettle
  3. If you see hawks flying in a straight line, you are looking at a __ of hawks.
    A) Lease
    B) Cast
    C) Stream
    D) Boil
  4. What is the collective noun for a group of hawks that are perched or resting together?
    A) Kettle
    B) Stream
    C) Boil
    D) Lease

Answers to Quiz

  1. B) Kettle
  2. B) Boil
  3. C) Stream
  4. D) Lease

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