What is the Collective Noun for Game?

Welcome, young explorers! Today, we’re going on an exciting adventure into the world of words, specifically focusing on the collective nouns for ‘game.’ Collective nouns are special words we use to describe a group of things. Just like a bunch of bananas or a flock of birds, there are fascinating terms for groups of games too! Let’s dive in and discover these unique words together.

Collective Noun for Game

NounCollective NounDefinition
GamePack of GamesA group of different games bundled together.
GameLibrary of GamesA large and varied collection of games, similar to books in a library.
GameCollection of GamesA group of games gathered over time, showcasing variety and value.
GameStack of GamesGames piled up on top of each other.
GameBundle of GamesA set of games sold or bought together, often used in sales or offers.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Game

1. Pack of Games

When you have a group of different games together, you can call it a “pack of games.” Just like a pack of cards, it suggests many games bundled together.


  1. For his birthday, Tim received a pack of games including board games and card games.
  2. Our family room has a pack of games ready for our game night.
  3. The school arranged a pack of educational games for the festival.

2. Library of Games

A “library of games” refers to a large and varied collection, just like books in a library. It’s often used for video or board games.


  1. Sarah has a library of video games, from adventure to puzzle genres.
  2. The community center boasts a library of games for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Our school’s library of games helps us learn while having fun.

3. Collection of Games

A “collection of games” is a group of games gathered over time. This term shows the variety and possibly the value of the games.


  1. Uncle Rob’s collection of vintage board games is impressive.
  2. For our family reunion, we brought a collection of games to play.
  3. The museum displayed a historical collection of ancient games.

4. Stack of Games

A “stack of games” literally means games piled up on top of each other. It’s a more casual way to refer to many games.


  1. In the corner of the room, there was a stack of games ready for the party.
  2. We cleaned up the playroom and made a neat stack of games.
  3. *During the sale, there was a big stack of games at

5. Bundle of Games

A “bundle of games” usually refers to a set of games sold or bought together. This term is often used in sales or special offers.


  1. The online store offered a bundle of games for a special price.
  2. Jack won a bundle of games at the school fair.
  3. For the holidays, they are selling a festive bundle of family games.


Wow, wasn’t that an exciting journey through the world of collective nouns for games? From a “pack” to a “bundle,” each term has its unique charm and usage. These terms not only make our language richer but also help us describe the world around us in a fun and interesting way. Remember, language is like a game itself – the more you play with words, the better you get at it!

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