The Wonderful World of Collective Noun for Charts

Have you ever wondered what we call a group of charts Just like a group of lions is called a pride and a group of fish is called a school, charts have their own special collective nouns too. Let us explore the fascinating world of collective nouns for charts and learn how to use them in our daily language.

Collective Noun for Charts

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
ChartCollectionA group of chartsA collection of charts on weather patterns
ChartSeriesA sequence of chartsA series of charts showing sales trends
ChartArrayAn organized arrangementAn array of charts illustrating student performance
ChartSetA group considered as a unitA set of charts representing population growth
ChartGroupA number of charts togetherA group of charts analyzing financial data

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Charts

1. Collection

Explanation: A collection refers to a group of charts brought together for a particular purpose or theme.


  1. The teacher displayed a collection of charts about the solar system in the classroom.
  2. At the science fair, we saw a collection of charts explaining different scientific experiments.
  3. The museum had a collection of charts showing historical events over the centuries.

2. Series

Explanation: A series is a sequence of charts that follow one another in a particular order.


  1. The presentation included a series of charts that depicted the company’s annual revenue over the past decade.
  2. In our math class, we studied a series of charts demonstrating various geometric shapes.
  3. The report featured a series of charts that tracked the progress of the construction project.

3. Array

Explanation: An array refers to an organized arrangement of charts, often in a systematic order.


  1. The data analyst prepared an array of charts to compare different market trends.
  2. Our project included an array of charts that illustrated the results of our survey.
  3. The classroom had an array of charts showing the parts of the human body.

4. Set

Explanation: A set is a group of charts considered as a single unit, often because they share a common theme or purpose.


  1. The geography book contained a set of charts that explained different climate zones.
  2. The teacher used a set of charts to help students understand fractions.
  3. During the meeting, the manager presented a set of charts on employee performance.

5. Group

Explanation: A group is simply a number of charts together, often without any specific order or arrangement.


  1. The conference room was filled with a group of charts on various business strategies.
  2. The exhibition featured a group of charts that showcased different art techniques.
  3. In the library, we found a group of charts about the history of transportation.


1. What is a collection of charts?

  • a) A sequence of charts
  • b) A group of charts brought together for a particular purpose
  • c) An organized arrangement of charts
  • d) A number of charts together

2. Which collective noun refers to a sequence of charts?

  • a) Set
  • b) Group
  • c) Series
  • d) Array

3. What does an array of charts imply?

  • a) A random group of charts
  • b) A systematic arrangement of charts
  • c) A common theme of charts
  • d) A single chart

4. Which collective noun is used for a group of charts considered as a unit?

  • a) Collection
  • b) Series
  • c) Set
  • d) Group

5. What does a group of charts refer to?

  • a) An organized order of charts
  • b) A random number of charts together
  • c) A sequence of charts
  • d) A common theme of charts

Quiz Answers

  1. b) A group of charts brought together for a particular purpose
  2. c) Series
  3. b) A systematic arrangement of charts
  4. c) Set
  5. b) A random number of charts together


Understanding collective nouns for charts can make our language more precise and interesting. Whether it’s a collection, series, array, set, or group, each term helps us describe charts in a way that makes sense and adds clarity to our communication.

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