What is the Collective Noun for Action Figures?

A Toy Story Adventure: Exploring the World of Action Figures!

Hello young explorers Today we are diving into the fantastic world of action figures. You know those small figures of superhero characters from movies or even animals that you can play with and collect They are not just fun toys they come with a special secret their very own collective nouns. A collective noun is a word we use to describe a group of similar things or beings. Just like a pack of wolves or a flock of birds action figures have their special words too Let us uncover these words together and learn how to use them.

Collective Noun for Action Figures

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
Action FiguresAssemblyA group gathered togetherAn assembly of action figures
Action FiguresSquadA small group working on a common task or missionA squad of action figures
Action FiguresCollectionA group of items gathered by a collectorA collection of action figures
Action FiguresBattalionA large, organized group, usually militaryA battalion of action figures
Action FiguresLegionA vast number of people or objectsA legion of action figures

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Action Figures

1. Assembly:

An assembly of action figures might be what you have when you bring all your superhero figures together for an epic battle against the villains. Imagine Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man standing side by side, ready to save the day.

  • Example 1: My brother and I created an assembly of action figures to recreate our favorite movie scenes.
  • Example 2: On my shelf, there’s an impressive assembly of action figures from various comic book universes.
  • Example 3: For my birthday, I received three new figures to add to my assembly of action figures.

2. Squad:

A squad of action figures refers to a smaller, specialized group that you might put together for a specific mission. Maybe you have a squad of Jedi knights or a squad of dinosaur hunters!

  • Example 1: My squad of action figures includes all the members of the Avengers.
  • Example 2: I took my squad of action figures outside to create an adventure in the backyard.
  • Example 3: We traded action figures at school to complete our perfect squads.

3. Collection:

A collection of action figures is what you call all the figures you’ve gathered over time. It’s like your own personal museum of cool characters and heroes!

  • Example 1: My collection of action figures is displayed proudly in my room.
  • Example 2: Every year, I get new action figures to add to my collection.
  • Example 3: My friend has an extensive collection of vintage action figures.

4. Battalion:

A battalion of action figures might sound like you’re ready for a big battle! This is when you have lots of figures all lined up, maybe preparing to face an alien invasion or a giant monster.

  • Example 1: I arranged a battalion of action figures to defend the playroom fort.
  • Example 2: The battalion of action figures was set up to have a standoff with my stuffed animals.
  • Example 3: My cousin and I combined our figures to create a massive battalion for a battle royale.

5. Legion:

A legion of action figures is the ultimate group, showing just how many figures you’ve collected. It’s like an army of tiny heroes ready to take on any challenge!

  • Example 1: At the toy convention, there was a legion of action figures for sale.
  • Example 2: My dream is to have a legion of action figures from every superhero movie.
  • Example 3: In the playroom, there’s a legion of action figures standing guard over my toys.


And there we have it brave adventurers a closer look into the exciting world of action figures and the special words we use to describe them. Whether you have a squad, a collection, or even a legion, each action figure is a hero in its own right. Remember it is not just about how many you have but the stories they tell and the adventures they lead you on. Keep collecting keep playing, and most importantly keep imagining.


1. What do you call a small, specialized group of action figures?

  • A) Assembly
  • B) Squad
  • C) Collection
  • D) Legion

2. If you have a large number of action figures ready for battle, what is it called?

  • A) Squad
  • B) Collection
  • C) Battalion
  • D) Assembly

3. What word describes your entire group of action figures, collected over time?

  • A) Legion
  • B) Battalion
  • C) Squad
  • D) Collection

Answers to the Quiz

  1. B) Squad
  2. C) Battalion
  3. D) Collection

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