Discover the Collective Noun for Jackets

Collective nouns can be a fun and interesting part of the English language. They help us describe a group of similar items or beings with a unique term. Today we are going to learn about the collective nouns for jackets and how to use them. Let us get started with a table that introduces you to these nouns.

Collective Noun for Jackets in table

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
JacketsCollectionA group of jacketsA collection of jackets was donated to the shelter.
JacketsRackA set of jacketsShe chose a coat from the rack of jackets in the store.
JacketsLineA row of jacketsThe line of jackets hung neatly in the closet.
JacketsPileA heap of jacketsThere was a pile of jackets on the bedroom floor.
JacketsBatchA group of jacketsThe new batch of jackets arrived at the warehouse.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Jackets

1. Collection of Jackets

Explanation: A collection of jackets refers to a group of jackets gathered together, usually for a specific purpose or event.

  1. The charity event showcased a large collection of jackets for auction.
  2. She proudly displayed her collection of jackets from different countries.
  3. They donated a collection of jackets to the homeless shelter before winter.

2. Rack of Jackets

Explanation: A rack of jackets is a set of jackets organized on a frame or bar, typically for display or storage.

  1. The shop assistant arranged the rack of jackets by color and size.
  2. Visitors were asked to hang their coats on the rack of jackets by the entrance.
  3. During the sale, the rack of jackets was quickly emptied by eager shoppers.

3. Line of Jackets

Explanation: A line of jackets refers to jackets arranged in a row, often in a neat and orderly fashion.

  1. The school uniform store had a line of jackets ready for the new students.
  2. There was a line of jackets hanging on the wall hooks in the classroom.
  3. She admired the line of jackets in the wardrobe, organized by season.

4. Pile of Jackets

Explanation: A pile of jackets is a heap or stack of jackets, usually not organized.

  1. After the party, there was a pile of jackets on the couch.
  2. He found his favorite jacket at the bottom of the pile of jackets.
  3. The laundry room had a pile of jackets waiting to be washed.

5. Batch of Jackets

Explanation: A batch of jackets refers to a group of jackets produced or received at one time.

  1. The factory shipped out a batch of jackets every week.
  2. The store received a new batch of jackets just before the holiday season.
  3. She checked the quality of each jacket in the latest batch of jackets.

Quiz Time

Quiz Questions

1. What is the collective noun for a group of jackets?

    • A) Bundle
    • B) Collection
    • C) Cluster

    2. Which collective noun would you use for jackets neatly arranged in a row?

      • A) Stack
      • B) Pile
      • C) Line

      3. What collective noun describes jackets organized on a frame or bar?

        • A) Rack
        • B) Bunch
        • C) Group

        4. Which term refers to a heap of jackets usually not organized?

          • A) Line
          • B) Pile
          • C) Batch

          5. What collective noun is used for jackets produced or received at one time?

            • A) Batch
            • B) Line
            • C) Collection

            Quiz Answers

            1. B) Collection
            2. C) Line
            3. A) Rack
            4. B) Pile
            5. A) Batch


            Learning collective nouns can be a fun way to expand your vocabulary. Now you know several different collective nouns for jackets and how to use them. Keep practicing and see how many more collective nouns you can discover!

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