Grassy Gatherings: Discovering Collective Noun for Grass

Grass is a common sight in fields, lawns, and parks. But did you know that when you talk about a group of grass, there are special words you can use These special words are called collective nouns. Let’s explore some fascinating collective nouns for grass.

Collective Noun for Grass in Table

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
GrassTuftA small bunch or clump of grass.The rabbit hid behind a tuft of grass.
GrassClumpA cluster of grass growing closely together.The soccer ball got stuck in a clump of grass.
GrassSwathA broad strip or area of grass.The farmer cut a wide swath of grass.
GrassPatchA small area of grass, different from the surrounding area.They sat on a patch of grass during the picnic.
GrassMeadowA field covered in grass, often with wildflowers.The horses grazed in the meadow.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Grass

1. Tuft

    Explanation: A tuft is a small, dense bunch of grass that grows close together. It looks like a little green cushion.


    1. The cat played with a tuft of grass in the garden.
    2. A butterfly landed on a tuft of grass near the pond.
    3. The wind blew gently, swaying the tuft of grass.

    2. Clump

      Explanation: A clump is a group of grass blades growing together in a thick bunch.


      1. A clump of grass blocked the path.
      2. They found a four-leaf clover in the clump of grass.
      3. The gardener trimmed a clump of grass by the fence.

      3. Swath

        Explanation: A swath is a wide strip or area where grass grows or has been cut.


        1. The mower left a swath of cut grass behind.
        2. Children ran through the swath of grass in the field.
        3. The farmer admired the green swath of grass across his land.

        4. Patch

          Explanation: A patch is a small, distinct area of grass that stands out from the rest.


          1. They played on a patch of grass at the park.
          2. A colorful blanket lay on a patch of grass.
          3. The dog rolled around on a soft patch of grass.

          5. Meadow

            • Explanation: A meadow is a large, open area covered with grass, often mixed with wildflowers.
            • Examples:
              1. The children explored the beautiful meadow.
              2. Birds flew over the serene meadow.
              3. They enjoyed a picnic in the sunny meadow.


            Grass is more than just green blades on the ground. By using collective nouns like tuft, clump, swath, patch, and meadow, we can describe grass in a fun and specific way. Next time you see a grassy area, try using these collective nouns to describe it.


            1. What is a small, dense bunch of grass called?

              • A) Patch
              • B) Tuft
              • C) Meadow

              2. Which collective noun describes a large, open area covered with grass?

                • A) Clump
                • B) Swath
                • C) Meadow

                3. What collective noun would you use for a group of grass blades growing closely together?

                  • A) Clump
                  • B) Tuft
                  • C) Patch

                  4. Which collective noun refers to a wide strip or area of grass?

                    • A) Swath
                    • B) Patch
                    • C) Tuft

                    5. If you find a small area of grass that stands out, what would you call it?

                      • A) Meadow
                      • B) Clump
                      • C) Patch

                      Quiz Answers

                      1. B) Tuft
                      2. C) Meadow
                      3. A) Clump
                      4. A) Swath
                      5. C) Patch

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