Fascinating Collective Noun for Posters

Collective nouns are special words used to describe groups of people, animals, or things. In this article, we’ll explore some interesting collective nouns for posters. Let us dive in.

Collective Noun for Posters in Table

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
PostersCollectionA group of postersShe has a collection of movie posters.
PostersArrayAn impressive displayThe museum has an array of vintage posters.
PostersSetA related groupHe bought a set of superhero posters.
PostersDisplayAn exhibitionThe store had a display of travel posters.
PostersGalleryA curated selectionThere is a gallery of art posters in her room.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Posters

1. Collection

Explanation: A collection refers to a group of items that are gathered together because they are similar or of interest.

  • Example 1: Sarah has a collection of animal posters in her room.
  • Example 2: The school library has a collection of educational posters.
  • Example 3: John’s collection of sports posters is very impressive.

2. Array

Explanation: An array is an impressive display or range of a particular type of item.

  • Example 1: The store’s array of colorful posters attracted many customers.
  • Example 2: There was an array of posters at the comic convention.
  • Example 3: The art teacher showed us an array of famous paintings in poster form.

3. Set

Explanation: A set is a group of things that belong together or are designed to be used together.

  • Example 1: Emma bought a set of Harry Potter posters.
  • Example 2: The science fair had a set of posters explaining different experiments.
  • Example 3: The history teacher displayed a set of posters about ancient civilizations.

4. Display

Explanation: A display is a presentation or arrangement of items to be looked at.

  • Example 1: The classroom had a display of student-made posters.
  • Example 2: The shop’s window display featured seasonal posters.
  • Example 3: The museum’s display of historic posters was fascinating.

5. Gallery

Explanation: A gallery is a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.

  • Example 1: There is a gallery of movie posters at the cinema.
  • Example 2: The art gallery had a section dedicated to posters.
  • Example 3: She visited a gallery that showcased posters from famous concerts.


Collective nouns make language fun and interesting. They help us describe groups of similar items in unique and creative ways. Next time you see a group of posters, you can call it a collection, an array, a set, a display, or even a gallery.


  1. What is the collective noun for a group of posters displayed together in a shop?
    • a) Collection
    • b) Array
    • c) Display
    • d) Gallery
  2. Which collective noun would you use for a group of related posters, like superhero posters?
    • a) Collection
    • b) Set
    • c) Display
    • d) Gallery
  3. What collective noun describes an impressive range of posters at a convention?
    • a) Array
    • b) Collection
    • c) Set
    • d) Gallery
  4. If a school library has many educational posters, what collective noun could you use?
    • a) Array
    • b) Collection
    • c) Display
    • d) Gallery
  5. What collective noun would fit a curated selection of art posters in a room?
    • a) Display
    • b) Array
    • c) Gallery
    • d) Set

Quiz Answers

  1. c) Display
  2. b) Set
  3. a) Array
  4. b) Collection
  5. c) Gallery

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