Discovering the Collective Noun for Ostriches?

Welcome to a journey through the fascinating world of collective nouns especially tailored for our feathered friends the ostriches. Collective nouns are special words we use to describe a group of objects, animals, or people. Today we Are going to explore the unique and whimsical terms used exclusively for groups of ostriches. Let Us dive into the exciting world of ostriches and learn the special words that bring their gatherings to life.

Table of Collective Noun for Ostriches

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
OstrichesFlockA group moving togetherA flock of ostriches ran across the savannah.
OstrichesBevyA group, typically of birdsA bevy of ostriches gathered at the waterhole.
OstrichesWobbleA playful term for a groupA wobble of ostriches waddled by the tourists.
OstrichesCrewA group working togetherThe crew of ostriches dug into the ground for food.
OstrichesParadeA line of moving animalsA parade of ostriches crossed the road in a majestic line.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Ostriches

1. Flock

A flock of ostriches refers to a group of ostriches that move together usually while foraging or migrating.

  • Example 1: In the early morning, we spotted a flock of ostriches running swiftly across the plains.
  • Example 2: The flock of ostriches huddled together to protect their young from predators.
  • Example 3: A large flock of ostriches can often be seen grazing together in the wild.

2. Bevy

A bevy is another term used for groups, especially birds, indicating a collective that gathers socially or for a common purpose.

  • Example 1: A bevy of ostriches was seen enjoying the cool water during the hot afternoon.
  • Example 2: The bevy of ostriches spread their wings under the sun.
  • Example 3: We watched in awe as a bevy of ostriches performed their courtship dances.

3. Wobble

Wobble is a playful and less common term that captures the amusing sight of a group of ostriches moving together.

  • Example 1: A wobble of ostriches caused laughter among the children as they passed by.
  • Example 2: The ground shook slightly with the approach of a wobble of ostriches.
  • Example 3: A wobble of ostriches pecked curiously at the visitors’ belongings.

4. Crew

Crew refers to a group of ostriches working together, which can be observed when they collectively participate in activities like searching for food.

  • Example 1: The crew of ostriches worked together to uncover bugs and plants to eat.
  • Example 2: A dedicated crew of ostriches took turns watching for danger while the others rested.
  • Example 3: The crew of ostriches moved as one, their coordination a sight to behold.

5. Parade

Parade is used to describe a line of ostriches moving in an orderly and impressive manner often when crossing open spaces.

  • Example 1: A parade of ostriches made their way across the field, a majestic procession.
  • Example 2: Tourists stopped their vehicles to watch the parade of ostriches cross the road.
  • Example 3: The parade of ostriches against the sunset was a memorable sight.


Exploring the collective nouns for ostriches opens up a new perspective on how we view these magnificent birds. From a flock that emphasizes their communal lifestyle to a parade that highlights their majestic presence each term offers a unique insight into the world of ostriches. By learning these terms we not only enrich our vocabulary but also deepen our appreciation for the natural world.

Quiz Time!

1. What collective noun is used for a group of ostriches that moves together?

  • A) Bevy
  • B) Crew
  • C) Flock
  • D) Parade

2. Which term describes a playful sight of a group of ostriches?

  • A) Flock
  • B) Wobble
  • C) Crew
  • D) Bevy

3. What does a “parade” of ostriches refer to?

  • A) A group of ostriches digging for food
  • B) Ostriches performing courtship dances
  • C) A line of ostriches moving in an orderly manner
  • D) Ostriches gathering socially at a waterhole

Quiz Answers

  1. C) Flock
  2. B) Wobble
  3. C) A line of ostriches moving in an orderly manner

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