Fascinating Collective Noun for Cattle

Collective nouns are special words used to describe groups of animals, people, or things. They make language fun and interesting! Today, we’ll learn about the collective nouns used for cattle. Let us dive into the world of words and discover some fascinating terms.

Collective Noun for Cattle In Table

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
CattleHerdA large group of cattleA herd of cattle grazed in the field.
CattleDroveA moving group of cattleThe drove of cattle crossed the road.
CattleMobA disorderly group of cattleA mob of cattle ran through the barnyard.
CattleFoldA group of cattle in an enclosureThe fold of cattle rested under the trees.
CattleDriftA slowly moving group of cattleThe drift of cattle moved along the path.

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Cattle

1. Herd

Explanation: A herd is a large group of cattle that usually stays together, especially while grazing or moving.


  1. The farmer watched his herd of cattle graze peacefully in the meadow.
  2. A herd of cattle wandered near the riverbank.
  3. The children were excited to see a herd of cattle at the county fair.

2. Drove

Explanation: A drove refers to a group of cattle that is being driven or moved from one place to another.


  1. The cowboy led the drove of cattle across the dusty plains.
  2. A drove of cattle blocked the main road for a while.
  3. The drove of cattle headed towards the new pasture.

3. Mob

Explanation: A mob is a disorderly or unruly group of cattle, often moving quickly and chaotically.


  1. The loud noise startled the mob of cattle, causing them to scatter.
  2. A mob of cattle stampeded through the village.
  3. The farmer tried to control the mob of cattle during the storm.

4. Fold

Explanation: A fold is a group of cattle that is kept together in an enclosed area.


  1. The fold of cattle rested in the shaded part of the pasture.
  2. A fold of cattle gathered near the barn for the night.
  3. The shepherd tended to his fold of cattle carefully.

5. Drift

Explanation: A drift is a group of cattle that moves slowly, often wandering from place to place.


  1. The drift of cattle moved leisurely along the trail.
  2. A drift of cattle grazed near the hill.
  3. The cowboy kept an eye on the drift of cattle as they roamed.


Collective nouns for cattle like herd, drove, mob, fold, and drift add color and variety to our language. These terms help us describe the different ways cattle can be grouped and move. By learning these collective nouns, you can make your descriptions more vivid and accurate.


1. What is a large group of cattle called when they are grazing together?

    • a) Drove
    • b) Herd
    • c) Mob
    • d) Fold

    2. Which collective noun refers to a group of cattle being moved from one place to another?

      • a) Herd
      • b) Mob
      • c) Drove
      • d) Drift

      3. What is the term for an unruly or disorderly group of cattle?

        • a) Fold
        • b) Herd
        • c) Drift
        • d) Mob

        4. Which collective noun describes a group of cattle kept in an enclosed area?

          • a) Herd
          • b) Drove
          • c) Mob
          • d) Fold

          5. What is a group of cattle that moves slowly and wanders called?

            • a) Drift
            • b) Mob
            • c) Herd
            • d) Fold

            Quiz Answers

            1. b) Herd
            2. c) Drove
            3. d) Mob
            4. d) Fold
            5. a) Drift

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