What is the Collective Noun for Goslings?

Hey, young explorers! Did you know that groups of animals often have special names? Today, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of goslings – those adorable baby geese – and learn about the unique names we use when they’re in groups. Get ready to expand your vocabulary and impress your friends with these cool collective nouns!

Collective Noun for Goslings

NounCollective NounDefinitionExample
GoslingsGaggleA group, usually noisy and disorderly“A gaggle of goslings waddled across the field.”
GoslingsPodA small, tight group“We saw a pod of goslings swimming in the pond.”
GoslingsFlockA large group moving together“A flock of goslings followed their mother everywhere.”
GoslingsNurseryA group, especially when cared for“The nursery of goslings was watched over by several geese.”
GoslingsBroodA family group with parents“A brood of goslings rested in the shade.”

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Goslings:

1. Gaggle:

Explanation: A ‘gaggle’ is used to describe a group of goslings, often seen as noisy or a bit chaotic.


  • “During our walk, we heard the loud honking of a gaggle of goslings.”
  • “A gaggle of goslings blocked the road, quacking and pecking at each other playfully.”
  • “At the park, children were delighted watching a gaggle of goslings chase each other.”

2. Pod:

Explanation: A ‘pod’ refers to a smaller, closer group of goslings, usually seen swimming together.


  • “A small pod of goslings swam closely behind their mother in the lake.”
  • “We spotted a pod of goslings huddled together for warmth.”
  • “The pod of goslings moved synchronously, creating ripples on the water’s surface.”

3. Flock:

Explanation: A ‘flock’ is a larger group of goslings, moving or flying together with a sense of direction.


  • “A flock of goslings followed their parents across the farmyard.”
  • “In the sky, we saw a flock of goslings learning to fly.”
  • “The farmer feeds a flock of goslings every morning near the barn.”

4. Nursery:

Explanation: The term ‘nursery’ is used when a group of goslings is being cared for or watched over.


  • “The nursery of goslings was guarded by a pair of adult geese.”
  • “In the wildlife reserve, we visited a nursery of goslings being fed.”
  • “A nursery of goslings played safely under the watchful eyes of their parents.”

5. Brood:

Explanation: A ‘brood’ specifically refers to a family group of goslings with their parents.


  • “A brood of goslings nestled close to their mother for warmth.”
  • “We watched a brood of goslings pecking at the ground for food.”
  • “The farmer introduced us to a brood of goslings he was raising.”


Isn’t it fascinating how we have different names for groups of goslings depending on their size, behavior, or situation? From a noisy gaggle to a cozy brood, these collective nouns not only enrich our language but also help us describe the wonderful world of these young geese more vividly. Next time you see a group of goslings, try to identify if it’s a pod, flock, nursery, or brood!

Quiz Questions:

  1. What do you call a noisy and disorderly group of goslings?
  • A. Pod
  • B. Flock
  • C. Gaggle
  • D. Brood
  1. Which collective noun is used for a small, tightly-knit group of swimming goslings?
  • A. Nursery
  • B. Gaggle
  • C. Pod
  • D. Brood
  1. What name is given to a large group of goslings moving together?
  • A. Flock
  • B. Pod
  • C. Nursery
  • D. Gaggle
  1. What is the term for a group of goslings being cared for?
  • A. Brood
  • B. Nursery
  • C. Pod
  • D. Flock
  1. Which collective noun refers to a family group of goslings with their parents?
  • A. Gaggle
  • B. Pod
  • C. Flock
  • D. Brood

Answers to the Quiz:

  1. C. Gaggle
  2. C. Pod
  3. A. Flock
  4. B. Nursery
  5. D. Brood

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